Monday, July 18, 2011

Bad cake day...

I think when it comes to any hobby or job there are days when you just aren't feelin' it. I was all caked out and I did not want to make a cake. I begged my mom to get me out of doing the cake but it didn't work. It was a cake for my niece's Wedding shower, and yes I know that is a special occasion but it wasn't my day. I had planned to do my classic Double Chucker, which is a double chocolate cake with Snickers filling. Yum. I really didn't have anything planned for it but that it needed to be a good size.

For this cake I make my own frosting and here is where it all went downhill. It is very important to know where you can cut corners and where you have to just suck it up and spend good money. I bought all the best ingredients with the exception of the butter. I bought the cheapest one and I regret it. The mix of cheap butter and heat caused a bad reaction. Oh wait I forgot something, four layers became 2. LOL. I was trying to cut corners and placed a very heavy, cracked cake on top of an uneven cake. REALLY! I knew better. It was like that slow motion action shot in the movies when they are on top of a snowy mountain and you hear the crack and slowly watch the mountain split in two. What horror! There was nothing I could do and I knew it was bad when I saw my sister and nephew flee the room in fear of my Hulk like reaction. Haha. There was nothing I could do but move on.
So back to the cheap butter and heat. I knew it was bad from the start when the butter melted with Hershey powder went hard, I knew better! I frosted the cake and put it in the fridge and watched the second avalanche lol. The frosting was sliding down. I was mortified. I was determined to call it a day and not even show up to the shower, but the show must go on.

All I could do was laugh as I'm in the car on the way to the shower and watching the frosting slide down. I told my sister that there was nothing I could but at least it would taste good. In my head I kept imagining the reaction of the guests at the party and my idea was a complete opposite to reality. They opened the door and it was excitement. They called people to come and take pictures. I was confused as to whether or not we were looking at the same thing but apparently we were. They loved it and even more they loved the taste. So the moral of the story is: Unless the cake is in crumbs its still good... I wish that were true. The real moral for me was: When you are not in the mood buy the cake! hahahaha